Todd and Kim Anciaux
Spirit and Strength Capital Campaign
Dear friends of Kapaun Mt. Carmel,
We have exceeded the $3.5 million mark in pledges and contributions to the Spirit and Strength Capital Campaign. Because this amount represents the amount needed for construction of all four projects in the campaign, we called this mark "The Fr. Kapaun Goal." By reaching this important milestone, we are allowed to move fully ahead and construct the four main projects that are a part of our overall Campaign. Thus, we will proceed with construction of:
An expanded and renovated 250-seat Chapel in the heart of the school
A new, 10,000 square feet weights and conditioning center
Two new FACS labs for our Foods, Clothing, and Interior Design classes
Up to eight new classrooms in the undercroft of our Science & Technology Wing
This would not have been possible without the support and sacrifice of hundreds of people and we cannot thank our donors enough.
So, if we met our goal, does this mean we are done raising funds? Not at all. There are still opportunities for our community to become an integral part of our project. We have classrooms to outfit, equipment to purchase and a Chapel to beautify. Donations will be gratefully used to make our new spaces spectacular.
Thank you for your ongoing support of Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School and may God bless you.
Robert Knapp
Committee Members

General Chairs

General Chairs
Pete '01 and Courtney Krsnich