School Profile
KMC is accredited by the State of Kansas, and the National Catholic Education Association. Institutional membership is held in the National Association of College Counselors and many other professional organizations.
Block Schedule
Classes meet for 90 minutes on an A/B schedule. On the A schedule, blocks 1,2,3,4 meet. On the B schedule, classes 5,6,7,8 meet. One week the schedule will be A,B,A,B,A. The next week it is B,A,B,A,B. Classes meet 18 weeks per semester.
English, World Language (French, Latin and Spanish), Mathematics, Social Science, Natural Science, Religion, Journalism and Photography, Graphic and Performance Arts, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Drafting, Business, Home Economics, Speech, Debate, Computer Science, and Physical Education. The St. Gianna Catholic Health Care Academy, off-site, is available for students wishing to pursue careers in the medical field. The Sister Kathleen Gilbert, BVM Teaching Academy is available for students wishing to pursue careers in education.
Graduation Requirements
Kapaun Mt. Carmel's policy is that students must successfully complete all required courses including those in the Religion Department.
Twenty-eight Carnegie units are required for graduation including: 4 units each of English, Mathematics and Religion, 3.5 units of Social Sciences, 3 units in Natural Sciences, 1 unit each of World Language, Fine Arts, Physical Education and Health, and a STEM elective, and .5 units each of Computer Science, Communications and Financial Planning.
All Honors courses are designated on the student's transcript by the letter "H." Accelerated courses in elective subjects are also available. Both offer enriched and challenging academic programs.
Eleven classes have been designated Advanced Placement classes on the transcript: AP Biology, AP Calculus I, AP Calculus II, AP Chemistry, AP English IV, AP French IV, AP Latin IV, AP Physics I, AP Physics C, AP Spanish IV, and AP US History II.
In 2024, 94 AP tests were administered to KMC students; students scored a 3 or higher on 72 such exams.
College credit can be awarded for classes: Accounting, AP Biology, AP Calculus I, AP Calculus II, AP Chemistry, AP English IV, AP French IV, AP Latin IV, AP Physics I, AP Physics C, AP Spanish IV, and AP US History II, CATIA, College Algebra, College Speech, Honors American Government, Music Appreciation, Philosophy, Intro to Teaching, and Medical Terminology.
Grading Policies and Procedures
Kapaun Mt. Carmel employs a modified grading scale.
Percentage | Grade | Percentage | Grade |
99-100 | A+ | 80-82 | C+ |
94-98 | A | 77-79 | C |
92-93 | A- | 74-76 | C- |
89-91 | B+ | 71-73 | D+ |
86-88 | B | 68-70 | D |
83-85 | B- | 65-67 | D- |
| 64 and below | F |

Grading periods are defined in semesters. Grade point averages and class rank are computed on all subjects taken. The grading scale is shown on the transcript.
College Visitation Policy
Admission professionals from post-secondary institutions are welcome to visit with students on our campus. Appointments may be scheduled on any weekday between 11:15 am and 1:20 pm by contacting the Registrar in the Counseling Department at (316) 634-0315.