Campus Ministry




Our campus ministry teams invite students to grow in personal relationship with Our Lord though through prayer, sacraments, retreats, and outreach opportunities. Our campus ministry team consists of our chaplain, associate chaplain and campus minister, supported by our religion department faculty.

Every year, all students will attend a one-day spiritual retreat, separated by grade and gender. We also offer a yearly pilgrimage to Washington, DC for the March for Life and opportunities for mission trips during spring break and over the summer.

Outside of the classroom, we offer several extracurricular groups geared toward spiritual growth, community building and fellowship.

Handmaids of Mary is a faith formation group open to any young woman. They meet weekly for small group discussion, prayer, Christ-centered friendship. These ladies inspire our school with their Marian devotion by helping lead our All School Rosaries and May Crowning. They also have a retreat each fall. Handmaids is led by Sr. Mary Faustina, IHM.

Knights of the Morning Star is a faith formation group open to any young man and meets every Wednesday evening. Knights is centered around Marian devotion, fraternity and fun activities. They also assist with our All School Rosaries and May Crowning. Knights of the Morning Star is led by our chaplain, Fr. Seth Arnold, and campus minister, Mr. Landon Downing.

Chaplain’s Cabinet is a student advisory board that works directly with our chaplain. This group of student leaders help plan spiritual events with our campus ministry team and assist with our class retreats, Advent and Lent programming and other faith initiatives. If you’re interested, see Fr. Seth Arnold.

Liturgy Club is a group of students who assist in our Masses as lectors, servers, musicians, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and sacristans. The goal of the Liturgy Club is to equip students to serve in the liturgy in of their parishes and throughout their college and adult lives. If you’d like to get involved, please speak with Fr. Seth Arnold.

Crusaders for Life is open to any student who is passionate about protecting the sanctity of human life. Some activities include Life Chain Sunday and praying a Rosary at the abortion clinic. Crusaders for Life is led by Ms. Mary Booth.


