Ways to Give
In addition to our Crusader Fund, there are many ways to give financially to Kapaun Mt. Carmel. Click the links below to see all the options, or scroll down this page.
Appreciated Securities
Gifts of appreciated securities and closely held stock can be extremely beneficial, both to you and KMC. You may receive an income tax deduction as reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes. Gifts of stock and mutual funds are coordinated by the Diocese of Wichita Development Office, with funds then designated for KMC. When making a stock gift, you can download an Authorization of Transfer of Gift Securities HERE and then send to the contacts listed.
Cash Gifts
Charitable Gift Annuity
A gift annuity is an attractive way to make a charitable gift, while at the same time receive guaranteed annual annuity payments. Your gift allows for a tax deduction and a portion of your annual annuity is tax-free. Annuity rates can range from 5-11% depending on your age. Please contact the Office of Advancement at 316-636-9612 to learn how your charitable gift annuity can help KMC.
Charitable Trust
There are several types of charitable trusts that you can create to support KMC. A charitable trust is an attractive way to sell a highly appreciated asset tax free, and reinvest it to provide you with a lifetime of income. A charitable trust can also be flexible to allow you to make future contributions and receive additional income tax deductions. Please contact the KMC Advancement Office at 316-634-0315 ext. 164 to learn how your Charitable Trust can help KMC.
IRA Charitable Rollover
On December 18, 2015, President Obama signed legislation into law which permanently allows you to make tax-free charitable gifts from your IRA, retroactive to January 1, 2015.
You don’t report this as income so there is no tax. And, your gift goes towards all or part of your minimum distribution requirement. You benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions.
Your donation can help transform the lives of students through community, faith and scholarship. You can support specific purposes, such as a department or program, or help build our endowment.
IRA Rollover Facts
You can qualify if you are 70 1/2 or older.
Your gift must come directly to us from your IRA account – either Roth or traditional.
You can transfer up to $100,000 per year.
Organizations like Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School that are classified as 501(c)(3) organizations (tax exempt) are qualified to receive IRA rollovers.
You pay no income tax on the gift. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions. It is important that the funds transfer directly from your IRA custodian to Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School in order to avoid a taxable event.
The gift may not be used to fund a gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, donor advised fund or private foundation.
You may not receive any goods or services in return for the rollover gift in order to qualify for tax-free treatment.
The new legislation does not have an expiration date. You can make gifts in 2015 and beyond.
To make your IRA gift, simply contact your IRA provider. You may need to provide them with our Tax ID number which is 48-0543780.
Qualified Charitable Distribution from an IRA: FAQ
Life Insurance
Many times an old life insurance policy is no longer needed. Simply name the diocese as a beneficiary. You could also name the diocese as the owner and beneficiary of a new policy. Please contact the Office of Advancement at 316-636-9612 to learn how your old life insurance policy can help KMC.
Matching Gifts & Workplace Giving
By definition a matching gift, also known as a matching fund or matching donation, is a charitable gift made toward a non-profit organization by a matching donor (e.g., an employer) under the provision that an original donor (e.g., an employee) first makes a gift toward that organization.
Companies and their employees can support the important work of the Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School. KMC students and staff benefit directly from these gifts. When you donate through the workplace, you can make a difference in lives of our students and keep our doors open to provide a Catholic education to any student regardless of financial means.
Your gift to Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer! Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees, retirees and/or employees’ spouses. To find out if your company has a matching gift program, check with your Human Resources Department or check the list of businesses below that advertise a matching gift program.
To the students of Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School, it means making the most of your extraordinary gifts. Thank you for your commitment to educate and form the entire student in the image of Jesus Christ.
Aetna | Cessna (Textron) | GlaxoSmithKline | Merck & Co. | PPG Industries |
American Express | Circuit City | Goldman Sachs | Merrill Lynch | Prudential |
Amgen | Coca-Cola | W.W. Grainger | Microsoft | Raytheon |
Anheuser Busch | Conoco-Phillips | H&R Block | Morgan Stanley | Rockwell Automation |
Avery Dennison | Deluxe | Hallmark Cards | Motorola | Sherwin-Williams |
Bank of America | Duke Energy | Hewlett-Packard | Northrop Grumman | Spring |
Bankers Life | Ecolab | Ingersoll-Rand | Occidental Petroleum | TriCon |
Bemis | Eli Lilly | Intel | Oracle | Teledyne Technologies |
Black and Decker | Equiva | Kellogg | PepsiCo | Toyota Motor Sales |
Boeing | First Horizon Home Loans | Knight Ridder | Pfizer | Union Pacific Railroad |
Burlington Northern Santa Fe | FM Global | Lyondell Chemical | OXY | Vulcan |
Case | Gannett Gap | McDonalds | Pitney Bowes | Wells Fargo |
Planned Giving

"Do not forget that the future of humanity is in the hands of those…who are capable of providing the generations to come with reasons for life and optimism." -St. John Paul II
For more than 130 years, All Hollows Academy, Mount Carmel Academy, Chaplain Kapaun Memorial and Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School, have touched the lives of thousands of students and their families. The dedication of many has created lasting partnerships with faculty, parents, and benefactors, providing Catholic education benefitting generations past and those to come.
A properly planned estate or deferred gift to Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School offers potential tax and other financial benefits for your estate and heirs. It is important that you consider how charitable gifts might impact your overall estate plan, so it is wise to consult your attorney and other professional financial advisors.
“Estate” is the legal term that describes all of your possessions and property. Estate planning can and should be as important as retirement planning. Anyone, at any age, can benefit from an estate plan. Your estate plan puts you in control of how your assets are ultimately distributed. Estate planning is ongoing as one considers taxing implications and charitable directions for gift planning. You may provide an unrestricted gift or direct your gift to a specific area of school life.
When you have completed your estate plan, and provided for a gift to Kapaun Mt. Carmel, simply inform the KMC President in writing that KMC has been included in your estate plans.
Documentation of your planned gift is very important and much appreciated. For example:
A copy of the pertinent provisions of your will or trust,
A copy of the life insurance policy which names the school as a beneficiary, or
A letter from your attorney stating that you have, indeed, included Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School in your estate gift planning
Bequests/Wills – The charitable bequest is the simplest of all planned gifts. It offers a straightforward opportunity to make a substantial contribution to further the work and mission at Kapaun Mt. Carmel without drawing on your resources. It involves adding a clause to your will or trust that states that you give a percentage or the remainder of your estate to Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School.
Beneficiary Designations – You may name Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School as a beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy, a Retirement Fund, IRA, 401(k) or Keogh Account, a Savings Account, or a Certificate of Deposit.
Trusts and Annuities – These options provide a means of making a significant gift while retaining a life income. Along with federal tax benefits, there are corresponding restrictions. A financial planner, personal attorney, or tax consultant should be contacted to determine the best plan for you.
Appreciation and Benefits Include:
The certainty that your estate gift will significantly impact the school and generations of Crusaders
The satisfaction of sustaining a Catholic education
Permanent recognition within the school
Formal listing in KMC publications by name or anonymously as “KMC Friend”
An invitation to Major Benefactor Events hosted by the President and Development Office
Federal and state estate tax and income tax savings
A legacy is established in your name
Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School has produced this information to assist you in the consideration of an estate or planned gift. KMC does not provide or purport to provide legal, tax or financial planning counsel. You are urged to consult and rely upon the opinion of qualified legal, tax and financial planning advisors before acting on any of the concepts described here.
Estate planning information provided to the school will be kept confidential to the extent the benefactor wishes, and enrollment may be anonymous.
For further information about Planned Giving please contact the Director of Advancement, Rachael Stewart, at (316) 634-0315 ext. 164 or rstewart@kapaun.org.
Pledge Gifts
You might find that monthly, quarterly or other scheduled payments are more convenient. By making a series of pledge payments, you may be able to increase the amount of your total gift to KMC. For automatic withdraw through your checking account, please contact the KMC Advancement Department at 316-634-0315, ext. 164. For automatic payment through your debit or credit card, please set up your pledge HERE.